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Wisbech Nursery June 2018

by Jun 29, 2018News, Wisbech Latest News0 comments

Under Twos

This month in the Under Two’s Units we have been enjoying our theme of animals and pets. The children have taken part in many creative activities, where we created our own pet animals, as well as used the small world pets to make marks with. The children have brought in pictures of their pets from home, which we have shared with our friends and spoken about during circle time. This month the children have enjoyed the lovely weather, and we have been spending lots of time exploring the outdoor provisions. We have also enjoyed our Father’s Day Stay and Play where Dad’s, Grandads and Uncles joined us for a fun-filled session.

Toddler 2

This month in Toddlers we have had lots of fun exploring the topic of summer and the seaside. We have been exploring our brand new sand boat area, and using the sand within sensory trays and to also make new textures, such as sand-dough. One of the favourite activities included using some of the sand in a small tray to explore and to create transient sand art pictures, which was part of our 30 Days of Wild challenge. The children used a variety of natural resources that they had collected from a nature walk within the garden and they created some fantastic pieces of artwork which included the beach, rock pools and a forest. We have also had our Father’s Day Stay and Play this month, where Dad’s, Grandads and Uncles joined us for a fun-filled session. Thank you to everyone who came along.


This month in preschool we have enjoyed the theme of Superhero’s, inspired by the children’s current interests. The children have joined in with many fun activities, including superhero role play, junk modelling to create buildings for our mini superheros to climb and even fly from. We have also had our Father’s Day Stay and Play this month, where Dad’s, Grandads and Uncles joined us for a fun-filled session. Some of the fun included searching for mini-beasts, which tied in with our current 30 Days of Wild Challenge, where each day we have taken part in a new wild challenge. Some of these activities have included making a wild piece of artwork with natural resources, searching for shapes in clouds and we even had a go at meditating surrounded by nature.



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