Dear Blackberries Parents/Carers
As a Nursery Group we are delighted to share that our setting in March has received an ‘Ofsted Outstanding’ in all areas following their inspection last month.
We are all very proud of our team at the March setting with this brilliant achievement, after what has been a challenging few years through these unprecedented times.
Snippets from our Ofsted report:
- “Parents are extremely positive about the nursery and staff. They state that they are very well informed about their child’s learning and development and how to support ongoing learning at home.
- “Children arrive confidently, eager to greet their friends and staff. They separate from parents and carers with ease and thoroughly enjoy their time at this home- from-home nursery.”
- “Children thrive in this welcoming nursery. They show increasing levels of concentration. They greatly benefit from how skilled staff adapt their teaching to provide each child with meaningful learning experiences.”
- “Children prefer to play outside. They have plenty of space to move about freely and gain increasing control of their bodies and movements. Children learn about the different habitats and features of other living creatures.”
- “Leaders greatly value the staff team. They meet regularly with staff to help them develop their knowledge and skills and to ensure their workload is manageable. Staff’s well-being is important to leaders, who recognise staff’s commitment to the children and nursery. They create a culture of mutual support and respect, recognising staff’s achievements in many ways, including awards nights.”
- ”Children demonstrate that they have strong bonds with staff. They listen to instructions and eagerly help to keep the environment tidy.”
If you would like a copy of our Ofsted report, please email our Administration Team at: