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July Newsletter 2023

by Aug 8, 2023News0 comments

The children have had a fantastic month exploring a variety of educational learning opportunities based on their individual interests. The children have been enjoying the varied weather and exploring the outdoor environments through a range of activities which has led to some amazing outdoor learning opportunities. There have been lots of spider and bug hunts around the garden, which has then led to spider sensory trays and looking at the shapes in the environment around them.

A variety of festivals and celebrations were looked at this month such as Independence Day, where the children explored the American flag and talked about the similarities it had to our flag in the UK.

The children have been discussing their emotions and made playdough faces to reflect those faces they made. They focused on developing turn-taking through their favourite games; a favourite was the shopping game. This in turn developed an understanding of the world we live in and developed their personal, social, and emotional skills.

We have said a fond farewell to some of our Pre-School children and we wish them all the best of luck in their new schools and as they embark on their next exciting adventure.

The children enjoyed graduation parties where the parents have been able to join us to celebrate their child’s time at Blackberries Childcare Group. Many activities took place, as well as an awards ceremony and party food was enjoyed by all.


Communication and Language

Use sentences of four to six words


Enjoys sharing books with an adult

Expressive Arts and Design

Start to make marks intentionally

Baby Unit

Our Babies have been following the topic ‘the sun has got his hat on’, looking at holidays, the sun, and all things summer. A variety of sensory trays have been created and explored with a lot of water play.

Sea creatures have taken place with the children using their feet to splash around, they have also been practising their filling and pouring skills in the water. Paper plate suns have also been created using yellow resources. The sand in the garden has been a favourite and the children have been making their own sandcastles. Some lovely artwork has been produced including using cereals to create starfish and crabs. Lots of new words have been learnt and the children have been excited to share these with their peers when talking about what they can see and their own experiences of visiting the beach with family and friends.


Communication and Language

Copy your gestures and words.

Expressive Arts and Design

Start to make marks intentionally

Personal, Social and Emotional

Develop friendships with other children

Understanding the World

Talk about what they see using a wide vocabulary

Toddler Unit

Our Toddlers have also been focusing on the topic, ‘the sun has got his hat on’, and they have been looking at all things summer. Some of the children have been bringing photos from their holiday to share with their peers and this has built many discussions. Sun safety has been a big part of the topic and many activities have been accessed such as summer bingo and some lovely artwork has also been created.

This has been extended with colour mixing and play with colourful waters. Playdough has been a favourite amongst toddlers and a variety of colours, smells, and textures, such as herbs and flowers have been incorporated. Yoga sessions have taken place where the children have learnt different moves and they have practised these throughout their day at nursery.


Enjoys sharing books with an adult

Physical Development

Explore different materials and tools


Communication and Language

Identify familiar objects and properties for practitioners when they are described


Personal, Social and Emotional

Establish sense of self

Pre-School Unit

Our Pre-School children have been learning about summer and talking about their trips to the beach with their family and friends. Some of the children shared how they like to build sandcastles at the beach and dip their toes in the water. A variety of artwork has been created using different media.

The children have been describing their artwork and have been very proud that this is displayed on the walls. The Pre-Schools have been talking about the importance of sun safety, talking about what they should wear when they go outside, wearing sun hats and applying suntan lotion to keep them safe.

As we have had some lovely weather the children have been looking at different sports and celebrating Wimbledon, the Women’s World Cup and joining in with a variety of sports day activities as well as football and yoga sessions. They loved playing football and putting a variety of items out for their goals as they tried to score against each other.

We have also been following our school readiness programme, where the children have joined in with registrations in the morning and afternoon, learning about days of the week, writing their names, and learning the numbers and alphabet in fun summer-themed games.

Physical Development

Use one handed tools and equipment


Communication and Language

Understand a question or instruction that has two parts


Use some of their print and letter knowledge in their early writing

Personal, Social and Emotional

Select and use activities and resources with help when needed 

Understanding the World

Begin to understand the ned to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things


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