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Summer Term March

by Jul 1, 2015March Latest News0 comments

March Pre-School

We have been reading ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ by Giles Andreae and have been looking at the animals that live under the sea. We have been taking part in lots of activities:
Sand mould printing – We found some sea creature moulds in the sand tray and used them to make animal prints. We painted the edge of the moulds and pushed them down onto the paper to make our creatures for the bottom of the ocean.
Fish finger painting – We selected the colour paints that they wanted to use. We used a cut out of fish and wrapped it in tin foil. We then began to paint on it using our fingers, talking about how our fish were shiny.

One of the recipes the recipes we cooked were Muffin quiches, like a quiche but without the pastry. We had made pastry quiches previously, so we spoke about how these ones were going to be different.
We named all of our ingredients and talked about where each food came from. Some came from animals and some came from the ground. We put all the ingredients together in the bowl and took turns to give it a good mix. We had to grease our trays with some oil so that the quiches didn’t stick to it. We then scooped the mixture into the tray and added a tomato on the top.

March Toddlers

We have been using our giant building blocks to create some amazing structures. We have been working together to collect the blocks to see just how high it can go. We thought it was really funny when it fell over and we got to start again!

As part of our sensory exploration we made some moon sand.


Brown Sugar
Baby Oil

Method: We mixed the brown sugar and cornflour together. We gradually added baby oil and mixed it up till the mixture was crumbly in texture.

We found we could sprinkle, squeeze and mould the moon sand!

March- Messy Play

We have been creating and investigating all kinds of messy play. We particularly enjoy making a bubble sensory tray and soft playdough. Take a look at how we did it:

Bubble Sensory Tray:


Bubble Bath
Cornflour (optional)


Add lots of bubble bath to a small amount of water and use your hands to whisk it. You will end up with lots of bubbles.
Depending on how many bubbles you want, you can keep adding a small amount of water and plenty of bubble bath and keep mixing.

Top Tip:
You can add a sprinkle of cornflour at the end, this will help the bubble mixture last a but longer.

Super Soft Playdough:


Hair Conditioner
Food Colouring (optional)


Mix together the cornflour and hair conditioner until you get a dough like consistency. The conditioner we used made it a soft pink colour, but you can always add some food colouring for a more vibrant look.

Top Tip:
If the soft playdough starts to dry out, add some more conditioner to soften it up again. We used raspberry scented conditioner which made it smell amazing!


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