March Nursery August 2020

March Nursery August 2020

What a beautiful month we have had with so many different types of weather to explore and enjoy. As we head towards starting our Forest School sessions, we have been outside even more regularly. Bubble group 1 have explored a range of interest this month. We started...
March Nursery July 2020

March Nursery July 2020

What a wonderful month it has been, it has been great to welcome back some more children in phase 2. In out bubble one group we have been exploring Heuristic play which has led to a fascination of posting and threading objects so we can practice our fine motor skills....
March Nursery June 2020

March Nursery June 2020

During the month of June, we welcomed back our phase 1 families, it has been so exciting to see you all back and settled in nicely. We have had lots of fun exploring our rainbow science themed activities, which encouraged lots of conversation about colour and how we...
March Nursery May 2020

March Nursery May 2020

In May we welcomed back our Key worker children and have begun to explore our new theme of the Rainbow fish and lots of outdoor learning. We have been exploring creating our own rainbow fish and reading the story lots. Fun Fact: In the natural there is a real fish...