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The concept behind our Forest School is an inspirational process that offers all learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through a hands-on learning experience in a tree filled woodland environment. With Forest Schools, we are able to offer the best childcare facilities both inside and out.

New studies have shown a high proportion of young children are suffering from a condition known as Nature Deficit Disorder. Forest Schools are a specialised learning approach that sits within and complements the wider context of outdoor and woodland education.

This learner-centred approach interweaves the ever-changing moods and challenges of the natural world through the seasons, filling every Forest School session with discovery and difference, ensuring all children acquire the lasting benefits that Blackberries Forest School offers.

Forest School offers extended periods of outdoor learning and exploration. To create curious engaged learners who can calculate risks safely and test their physical skills. It also teaches children about the world around them and how to care for it.

Forest School is about the child learning through their own wants and interests, outdoor learning is more adult initiated and focused where in forest school asking them how many or what colour is not important it’s about learning skills and experiences that they want to and would not get in an average outdoor space or from home.

Children benefit from the simplest act of being outdoors. Our aim here at Blackberries is to develop and enrich children’s learning outside the classroom. Blackberries are committed to the importance of enabling children to experience the world beyond the classroom as an integral and essential part of their Early Years Development.
Upcoming Activities
We will look at the creatures who live in The Grove and explore their skills and needs through games. There are squirrels and a million mini beasts living in the woods.
We will look at things in a new way using all our senses; lying down and looking up, digging down and feeling what is underneath us.
We will plant seeds, make pictures with leaves and paint with pigments that we make from plants and vegetables.
We will learn through games and stories about the qualities and identities of the plants and trees in the woodland.
Want More Information?
If you are interested in what Blackberries can offer for your child or just want some more information, please click the button to be redirected to the enquiries form. Please complete and submit the form.