Toddler 1
This month, the Little Toddlers have been exploring the theme of cars. The children have took part in investigating cars in a variety of play types, including messy play, creative play, outdoor play and water play. Some of the favourite activities have included using the car tyres to make marks, the children explored this both with small world cars and also outside on giant scale by rolling car tyres. The children also had great fun taking their cars through the car wash in bubbly water play, and through a variety of sensory play, including oats, cereal and sawdust.
Toddler 2
This month we have been exploring the season of Autumn by venturing around our outdoor areas on nature walks. On our walks we have collected so many items, including acorns, pine cones, leaves and twigs and even feathers! The new autumnal colours in our garden areas have captured the children’s interests, so we have been creating pictures of items we have seen, including painting a giant Autumn tree to be displayed within the room, mixing colours to create browns and oranges.
We have also taken our mark making outside, where the children have been recognising, and forming letters from within their names. We have been using a variety of items to create our name letters, and a favourite activity was using pasta to create our letters.
This month in the Preschool unit we have been focusing on the theme of “All about Me”, as we having been welcoming in many new faces, and supporting children with their transitions as they move up from the younger units. We have been getting creative, making self-portraits using a variety of resources, and playdough was a keen favourite amongst the children. The children have also been sharing photos of our homes, and creating our homes in various different types of activities, including using lego and blocks in construction play, and also a variety of shapes to create our homes in creative play.
The children have also been developing their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. We have been practising this, particularly developing our pincer grip using tweezers to pick up and sort our wiggly worms and sorting bears into colour or size groups.