Under Two’s
This month in Under 2’s units, we have had our Halloween stay and play day. Parents and carers joined us and took part in messy and creative fun creating their own ghosts and pumpkins using paper plates. We also got sticky exploring green gloop with googly eyes, bats and spiders. The children enjoyed developing their sensory skills whilst feeling the different textures of the gloop.
Toddler 2
The Big Toddlers have had great fun at our Halloween Stay and Play session, where parents and carers joined us in a variety of fun activities including orange goo insect tray, Halloween fun mark making and spooky story time. Outdoors this month we have been practising our balancing skills, and we are all getting very confident in going on the balance beam independently. Well done Toddlers!
This month the Preschool children have been reading their topical story “Jack and the Beanstalk”. Bringing the story to life, we all planted some magic beans and have been watching them grow. We can’t believe how big they have all become! We have also been focusing on developing our mathematics skills, using number sorting games to support us in recognising numbers.