Our June Core story throughout the Nursery, has been Elmer and his different adventures. Elmer, is a story about an elephant that becomes unhappy because he wants to be like his friends but then he realises that it is okay to be different.
The children have enjoyed listening to the different stories and they were excited to find out what Elmer was going to be doing next.
Fun fact: Elephants can get sunburnt; they bathe in mud to help protect their skin from the sun.
Our Under Two’s children have been painting and decorating elephant shaped templates, to make their own Elmer’s. They enjoyed playing in the Elmer sensory tray, stomping the elephants over the crunchy cereal and making elephant footprints in paint.
Our Over Two’s children have been using paint dabbers, to create a patchwork effect on their elephant templates. They have been practising writing letters in the rainbow rice tray and creating elephant collages using different materials.
The children have enjoyed spending lots of time outdoors in the sunshine and taking part in our weekly Gardening Club. They have helped to plant pretty bedding plants, herbs and lavender, seeds and vegetables to bring new life and colour to our outdoor areas. They have been helping to water them every day.
EYFS links:
Physical Development: Moving and Handling – 40-60mths – Begins to form recognisable letters.
Literacy: Reading – 16-50mths – Shows an interest in books and begins to describe main story events and principal characters.
Understanding the World: The World – 22-36mths – Enjoys playing with small world models such as wild animals.
Understanding the World: The World – 30-50mths – Shows care and concern for living things and the environment.
You can share our favourite stories via our Parents Storyhub in Parent Info tab or you can access some of our activities through our “Have a go at home” scheme, encouraging the positive partnership in learning between nursery and home.
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