Throughout July our Babies and Little Toddler’s have been having fun in the sun, especially taking an interest in the water tray, as the weather has been so hot.
Their Core Story for the month has been The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.
Parents have supported their little ones to decorate a fish template at home, as part of working with parents as partners. They have explored the sea creatures in the water tray, hair gel and shaving foam and they used the sea creatures to create their own unique prints.
Our Big Toddlers and Pre-schooler’s have been both been talking about People who help us for their July topic.
Big Toddler’s Core Story of the month has been based on the children’s popular TV show Paw Patrol, where Rider and his skilled patrol of dogs, always manage to save the day.
The Toddlers were able to decorate their favourite Pup’s shield, as part of working with parents.
Our Pre-schoolers Core story of the month book has been Teacher, to support and prepare those older children who will be transitioning to school in September.
We have had lots of Teachers from the local schools, coming to visit the children and talk to them about starting school and what kinds of fun things they will be doing. The children are all very excited.
As part of their topic, we also had a special visit from Sgt. Elvidge, who came to visit the children, to talk about his role, as a Policeman. The children were super excited to see the Police van and couldn’t wait to see inside it and they found the prospect of being handcuffed, funny!
EYFS Link: Understanding the World – People and Communities – 30-50mths – Shows interest in different occupations.
You can share either of our Core Stories through our Books for Bedtime scheme or you can access some of our activities through our “Have a go at home” scheme, encouraging the positive partnership in learning between nursery and home.
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