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Wisbech Nursery July 2016

by Jul 27, 2016News, Wisbech Latest News0 comments


This month we have been exploring different textures through a variety of sensory activities. We investigated shaving foam and paint, mixing all the colours and shaving foam together using our hands, feet and paintbrushes. The babies loved making marks and getting messy, having lots of fun whilst exploring and showed lots of interest and excitement during this activity.

Little Toddlers

As part of our stay and play session we invited our parents to come and join their children with some fun filled activities at the nursery, we did some bubble wrap foot painting out in the garden creating a large piece of art work which we have now displayed in our garden, we also had a variety of different activities out for the children to go and explore and encourage their parents to join, the shredded paper was very popular and we threw it around in the air and the children chose some books to share with their parents as part of story time, we look forward to you all coming again.

Big Toddlers

We‘ve been exploring the feeling of different textures, we started with shaving foam by making marks with our fingers and paint brushes and we decided to add some glitter. It was a great seeing it all sparkly.

Children were busy talking about their daddy’s/grandads at circle time, we decided we will make them pirate hand print cards. They were having lots of fun painting their hands and making pirate hand prints on the paper. Some children have decided they wanted to do a minion handprints and that was fun too!

We’ve been exploring the mud kitchen in the pre-school garden, we had lots of fun mixing the mud and water together, and children were using the spoons and bowls to make some delicious food that they shared with their friends.


The Pre-School children have been enjoying the seaside themed role play area. They enjoyed helping to create the water and the sand using different coloured material. The children have had fun building sandcastles, dipping their toes in the sand and we have been talking about the importance of keeping safe in the sun and at the beach.

The Pre-School have been busy making seaside themed cakes during cooking club. They used blue icing for the sea, biscuit crumbs for the sand and they used cocktail umbrellas for beach parasols. The children finished decorating their cakes using animal biscuits for the people and stripy sweets for the beach towels.


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