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Wisbech Nursery January 2020

by Feb 6, 2020News, Wisbech Latest News0 comments

Throughout January, all of our children have been learning about the Arctic.

Their Core stories for this month have been Snow Bears by Martin Waddell and Little Bear’s Big Adventure by Sarah Phillips. Our Babies have continued to enjoy That’s not my Snowman and they get so excited by the different textures on each page. 

The Nursery children have explored their Arctic topic in a variety of ways, using cloud dough, soap foam and gloop as textured snow for the small world animals, making igloo pictures with white squares of paper and developing a scientific understanding as they watched the ice melt. All of the children have had fun, making their own Arctic animal pictures. 

Our Preschool children have been developing their mark making skills in a frosty sparkling sand tray with lettered snowflakes and made their own snowmen out of playdough.

Our Babies have the explored the marks and sounds the Arctic animals made on tinfoil.

EYFS links:

Communication and Language: Listening and attention – 8-20mths Has a strong exploratory impulse

Physical Development: Moving and Handling – 22-36mths Imitates drawing simple shapes, such as circles and lines.

Understanding the World: The World – 22-50mths Enjoys playing with small world models, such as animals and can talk about why things happen.

In our Little Chef’s Cookery Club, our budding Little Chefs have been learning a new skill – how to roll out different types of dough using a rolling pin. They have made cookies, scones, sausage rolls and mini quiches.

You can share our Core Stories through our Books for Bedtime scheme or you can access some of our activities through our “Have a go at home” scheme, encouraging the positive partnership in learning between nursery and home.

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