Throughout April, our Nursery children having been learning about Spring and the life cycle of the butterfly.
Our younger children have had lots of fun with flowers. They have made tulip prints using forks, explored petals in ice and various different sensory trays. They had lots of fun painting with the flowers and exploring the beautiful flowers in our very own Nature garden.
Our Toddlers have been learning about the life cycle of the butterfly, through their Core Story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. They have been painting their own feet to create butterfly images, they have been exploring symmetry by creating butterfly prints. They have been exploring caterpillars, butterflies and other minibeasts in nature based sensory trays. They have also included butterflies into their “Little Chef’s” Cookery Club by making “Butterfly buns”.
Our Pre-schoolers have also been exploring the life cycles of butterflies. They have been watching to see the baby caterpillars grow each day and they are waiting for them to get bigger before they can be transferred to the butterfly tent. Through their Core story of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, they have also introduced counting and number recognition by feeding their “caterpillar” the right number of fruits. The Pre-schoolers have been on a minibeast hunt in the garden, seeing what insects they can find and looking at them through magnifying glasses.