Under Twos
The Under Two’s Units have been focusing on the seasons Spring and Summer, getting creative making some beautiful Spring and Summer artwork. Using a range of mark-making methods and materials, the children have been choosing paint colours to making some fabulous flowers. We have been investigating our outdoor environments to find lots of different plants and flowers, where we have been exploring their scent and identifying their colour.
Big Toddlers
In Big Toddlers we have been very excited to be able to have some tadpoles to care for and watch as the grow. We have been feeding them each day, and closely watch as the tadpoles are beginning to metamorphize into baby frogs. We are looking forward to seeing them grow their little legs and begin to change colour and shape. The toddlers have also been busy studying the tadpoles and drawing pictures of them, describing how they look.
This month the Preschoolers have enjoyed exploring our outdoor provisions. Our new Farm Shop role play area has been a big hit, and the children have enjoyed role playing store assistants and customers, as well as continued to check in on their growing plants. We even found some wiggly worms too! Taking our findings and into our creative play, the children have loved recreating the flowers by mark-making using a variety of resources.