Baby Unit
This month the babies have enjoyed getting messy during our sensory play activities. One of the favourites has been investigating the porridge oats. The babies loved exploring the texture as it changed from dry to wet when we added some water. With jugs, bowls and spoons, the babies have great fun filling, emptying, moving and stirring the oats, and also experimenting with the different types of marks we could make in the tray. However, the most fun was had using our hands to explore the texture, and some of the babies even tried a little taste!
Little Toddlers
This month the Little Toddlers have been enjoying reading the “We’re Going on a Bear hunt” story. The children have been creating some sensory bottles reflecting from the different scenes in the story, where we used a variety of resources to create visual and sound themed bottles.
The toddlers have also been introducing musical instruments whilst we read the book, we have been focusing on loud and quiet, fast and slow to mimic the various scenes throughout the story.
We are currently in process on creating a visual display showing the scenes of the story and a special outdoor walk and sensory trays for the children to explore.
Big Toddlers
Construction workers have been in our car park, working hard to put up a brand new fence. Captivated by the works, the Big Toddlers really enjoyed watching the process take place. The workers have been using lots of different pieces of equipment which made lots of different sounds, and they have also been driving some interesting vehicles, such as excavators, trucks and diggers to complete the job. The kind workers let the children come and take a closer look, and even have a sit in the excavator.
The children have enjoyed learning more about the work that’s been taking place, and have been exploring this further in their circle time, reading the “Dazzling Diggers” story, and also playing with the diggers and trucks in our sand play.
Pre School
The month we have been learning about people who help us. The children have showed a great interest in talking about, and acting out, different types of jobs and occupations. Our local Fire Station kindly borrowed us some fantastic activities and resources, which we have really enjoyed having a go at and trying on some different pieces of equipment. We have also been enjoying being firefighters ourselves and being in charge of putting out “fire’s” around the nursery.
Next we moved onto the role of doctors and nurses, where the children wore their uniforms and practiced caring for their patients using various tools. The children used the occupations puzzle to look at the uniforms different jobs require you to wear. This encouraged them to think about safety and the reasons they wear uniform, such as a builder wearing a hard hat for protection and a doctor wearing gloves.
Outside the children experienced being traffic wardens, as they took it in turns to wear a high visibility jacket and control the traffic with their stop and go sign to keep their peers safe.