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Summer Term Peterborough

by Jul 1, 2015Peterborough Latest News0 comments

Peterborough Baby Unit –

We brought our teddy bears from home so we could have our own Teddy Bear’s Picnic to incorporate in our theme for this month. We were eager to sit down on the blankets and have our picnic outside in the lovely weather at tea time. The teddies also had a nibble of the picnic too!

Peterborough Little Toddler’s –

We have been exploring many new and exciting activities. We have recently taken an interest in the nature in our gardens; therefore we incorporated this into our play. For our painting activities, we used ‘nature paintbrushes’, these are made out of conifer leaves. We explored the different marks the conifer leaves made when dipped in paint then brushed on our paper.

Also in our room, we have been looking at different colours. We investigated what happened when we mixed two colours together. We did this by using our hands and fingers to move and mix the paints that were contained in a zip-lock bag. Not only did we enjoy watching the colours mix, we had lots of fun using our hands to feel the texture of the squidgy paint.

Peterborough Big Toddler’s –

We have been focusing on ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ within the month of June.

We have had the opportunity to taste a variety of fruit at snack time. We have particularly enjoyed having some strawberries!

We have also drawn pictures of our favourite fruit trees and decorated pictures of healthy fruit and vegetables.. We found that lots of us have the favourite fruit of apples and strawberries.

Alongside talking about the important of eating healthy, we have been doing lots of physical activities such as playing outside in the garden, and doing the ‘Beans game – jumping beans, broad beans, runner beans’.

We have all enjoyed exploring and travelling along our new balance beams and with support from an adult, doing a big jump onto the floor.


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