Baby Unit
As part of tummy time we investigated the sensory balls which flash different coloured lights, as we rolled them I was able to shuffle round to tap and catch them.
We have been investigating scrunchies in the paint; we explored various ways of making marks and helping to build our confidence with messy play.
Toddler Unit 1
We enjoy all our sensory experiences such as the porridge oats! We like to make marks using our fingers and tools, and having treasure hunts to find the hidden objects!
We put on our shoes, hats and coats and go and play in outdoor area! We love to explore the tunnel, crawling through and playing peekaboo with our friends!
Toddler Unit 2
Here the children are playing alongside each other sharing a sensory experience. The children use their handling skills to fill up jugs and containers and to then pour out the water back into the tray.
Here the child is using his handling skills to hold his pen, he is using his whole hand which is the palmer grasp. He is noticing the marks he is making by making random lines and strokes on the paper using the pen.
Here the children are showing their shape recognition skills by matching their shapes to the bigger shapes given to them. They are also communicating their experiences to us and letting us know what shapes they have.
We had an Easter egg competition where the children got to take home an Easter egg sheet to decorate with the help of Mums and Dads. Prizes were given out for some fantastic work!
We like to spend even more time outdoors in the spring and summer months, making obstacle courses and giving the children lots of opportunities to jump, climb, balance and be active!
We have been looking at the changes of the season and exploring the theme of growth, observing the flowers outside as they grow, then painting and making flowers. We’ve also set our own seeds to grow flowers and vegetables for ourselves!