Big Toddlers
We have been looking at ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.
We have been looking closely at the illustrations, telling our own stories, guessing what’s going to happen and talking about the familiar things we can see in the story.
We have been inspired by the book to draw pictures of our favorite foods, and to create some of the fruits from the story. We have also had fun using printing with paint to create some great caterpillars.
Our families have been helping us to create our hungry caterpillar display. We all took a segment home to decorate and bring back to add to our caterpillar. We think it looks fantastic and we can’t wait to see how big it gets!
Due to having some fantastic weather, we have been able to spend lots more time outside.
We have been exploring the garden area and have been able to play on the swing and slide, sometimes needing a little help!
We have particularly enjoyed playing with water and bubbles outside, making sure we do lots of splashing.
When we have been in the natural area we have been able to feel the grass as we explore or sit on a blanket to play! We really liked having a look in the play house, and peeking at each other through the windows and door.
As part of our Easter celebrations the children and their parents worked hard together to come up with some fantastic and amazing creations for our bonnet competition and used some beautiful colours and designs to really inspire and impress. A lot of time and effort went into these and we are very proud of our achievements!
We had a Bunny Hop race outside. We had to jump with our feet together across the garden just like the Easter Bunny, collecting an egg and placing it into our basket before jumping back. This was made even harder by the wind blowing, as every time we jumped, the eggs flew out of the basket and we had to run round the garden chasing after them!
The Easter Bunny came for a visit and we went exploring round the garden to find his hidden chocolate treasure. We searched high, low, inside, on top of, underneath and next to various objects to find our treats!
We have been exploring messy play in a variety of different techniques. We have been changing colours and mixing paint sandwiched between two sheets of cling film. The paint oozes together as we gently press and smooth the cling film on top. We discussed all the patterns and colours being made and how the paint felt when we couldn’t really touch it. We used words like oozy, slimy, slippery, lumpy, squishy, mixing, splat!