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Peterborough Nursery September 2018

by Sep 27, 2018News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

Under Two’s

This month in the Under two’s we have been exploring different sensory experiences. We have been exploring sensory shakers, listening to the different sounds they make as well as looking at the different colours and patterns. The children have really enjoyed exploring sounds this month, and we have been investigating the different sounds we can make by banging different objects. The metal items were our favourite, and we enjoyed looking at ourselves in the reflection of these too. We have also been exploring different textures with the small world animals, we have explored a tray which has oats, bark, rice and tissue paper.

Big Toddlers

This month the Big Toddlers have been exploring our current core story “First Day at Bug School”.  The children have taken part in lots of messy play and sensory activities where we have explored small world bugs in a variety of textures. The children had a go at painting of our favourite bugs from the story. The children have showed a great interest in the mud kitchen this month. We have had fun finding lots of different ingredients to bake with, and made a delicious mud pie.


Here in preschool this month we have enjoyed reading our core story ‘Lulu Love Nursery’. It has helped our new friends to settle in nicely and opens up opportunities for the children to discuss how they feel coming to nursery whilst getting to know their new friends! We have loved engaging in lots of messy play in the creative, ranging from making ice cream for Lulu out of shaving foam and ice cream cones and colour mixing with powder paints and drops of water! The children have also showed interest in experimenting with construction items to create new ideas, including making a Royal Crown with interlocking disks, and road ways made with cogs.




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