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Peterborough Nursery October 2019

by Oct 31, 2019News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

It has been a busy month with trips out and about in the community. We have been exploring the local environment searching for various leaves and exploring the change in weather. The children have then used the items they found for various activities back at nursery.

The children have participated in Little Chefs and have created their own “Chocolate Conker’s” if you would like to complete this at home please see our “Have a go at home” section in reception.

Little toddlers have also been to the mobile library bus this month that visits us. They chose some stories to ready with the adults and independently.

“We’re going on a leaf hunt” why not read with us? Visit our Blackberries Library to lone out a copy of the story to go on your own leaf hunt!

Fun fact;

Conker’s release a chemical which spiders hate and can stop them entering your home.

Links to the EYFS;

Physical development – health and self-care

Understands that equipment and tools have to be used safely (30-50)

Literacy – reading

Interested in books and rhymes and may have favourites (16-26)

Understanding the world – the world

Explores objects by linking together different approaches: shaking, hitting, look


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