Little Toddlers
The children have been focusing on jungle animals, we have been using the jungle animals and using their feet to stamp them in paint and print them on the paper.
The children have been exploring the flour, cereal and grass in a jungle theme play tray, the children explored the textures by mixing them up, tipping and pouring them in to the tray and feeding the animals.
Big Toddlers
The children are exploring the sensory room and sorting out different natural materials in different compartments in the large tray. They talked about the texture, colour, smell and experimented the new natural materials in the sensory room. The practitioner helped them to build up their vocabulary by communicating with them and the children have learnt some new words while communicating with the adult.
The children are played with conkers and filling and emptying conkers into different sized cups. They are learning to share the cups and encouraged to take turns while emptying and filling. They also looked at the conkers to see different sizes and talked about how hard they are. Some children were talking about the environment and said that they have seen them in the park.
A group of children played with dolls and dress them up. They talked about babies and tried to dress them up and talk about the babies. They are interested about what babies eat and how they cry. The children wanted to wrap them up to protect them from the cold weather.
The children have been very creative during their Little Chefs sessions this month. We have been making hedgehog cakes with Ratatouille, our Little Chef Assistant and we have started to bake Halloween biscuits.
We have been doing a lot of activities around the story stick man so we have created our own stick man display. The children have been able to go on walks to collect leaves and sticks to stick onto our own stick man as well as looking for ‘stick man’ himself in the garden. But we have not found him yet. The children have also been able to make their own stick men using templates and colouring in and then using split pins so their arms and legs move so they can go on their own adventures with the children, just like stick man in the story.
We have been making autumn wreathes this month, using lots of different Autumn colours, mixing colours if we have not got the correct one so children have been able to experiment as well as cutting and developing their fine motor skills as they have had to cut the handprints out. We also have been using a poem that the children have been using in Future stars.