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Peterborough Nursery November 2017

by Nov 29, 2017News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

Under Two’s

This month we have been exploring our environment and venturing out on autumnal walks. On our walk we saw lots of different animals, including ducks, dogs as well as lots of different vehicles including busses, lorries, cars and even trains when were walking around the green. The children had great fun imitating all the different sounds we could hear.


This month in the children in the Toddler unit have enjoyed exploring the garden and using lots of different physical play equipment, especially our balance beam and obstacle course. During our outdoor play we have collected many different natural resources, and have brought these indoors as part of our play. The children showed great interest in using the conkers in our play, using these within our mathematics activities to support counting and number skills.  We also have had our annual Children in Need fun day where we took part in lots of different fun filled activities.


Pre-school have been exploring colours this month, we have been looking at what happens when you add colours together. We have tested this theory by adding paint into food bags and then pushing it around to mix it all together. We also used the paint bags to practice forming letters and writing our names. We have also been exploring the garden and using our “exploration stick” to search for objects that match the colour stick, we worked together with our friends to find different colours!


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