Baby Unit
This month, the babies have been learning about different types of transport that we use. To bring our topic to life, the children have been using a variety of different activities to explore, which has included role playing in boxes and crates, exploring small world vehicles in water play and shredded paper play. The children have been using the sit and ride on toys outside in the garden, learning how to climb on and off and manoeuvre around the space whilst on them. We have also spent some time outside in the lovely weather, where the babies have enjoyed taking turns each day to water our beautiful plants and flowers to help them grow.
This month the Toddlers took part in a Royal themed day to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday. On this day we had traditional cucumber sandwiches and a cake and the children designed their own Union flags which, which they created and decorated using a variety of resources.
The children have shown a particular interest in the story “Dear Zoo”, which we have been reading alongside our story sack to bring the story to life. The children have enjoyed creating different animals from the book during their creative play.
This month we has our termly Stay and Play session, where parents and carers came along to a fun filled session. We experimented with different types of construction, to see what resources and substances work the best. The shaving foam as cement and wooden bricks seemed to be the overall winner, and was also great messy fun. Parent’s also got involved with out “People who help us theme”, and enjoyed dressing up in our variety of role play clothes. Thank you to everyone who came along, we look forward to seeing you all at our next session.