Our under two children have been exploring reflective and water play. The babies have enjoyed looking at their reflections with the adults helping to develop language by talking about their facial features “Nose” “Eyes”. They have then enjoyed the reflective play in the water, rolling the reflective balls and experimenting with different noises the bowls make. The toddlers have enjoyed washing the dolls in water, exploring ducks in the water and singing ‘five little ducks’ to encourage counting and finally doing some water painting to make different patterns.
July in the overs has brought on a whole new topic of interest of dinosaurs. The children have been talking about different types of dinosaurs, reading fiction and nonfiction books. They have also been learning about ‘Carnivore’ and ‘herbivore’ and what these words mean. We have been getting creative with the dinosaurs and making dinosaur eggs and role playing them hatching, we have made fossils and acted out being ‘Archaeologists’ and finding them in the sand. Finally, we have made our own volcano and created a science experiment to make the volcano erupt.
Fun Fact – The world’s largest active volcano is Mauna Loa in Hawaii.
EYFS Links –
Communication and Language – Talking, Understanding, Listening and attention
Personal, Social and Emotional development – Making relationships, Self-confidence and Self awareness
Understanding the world – the world
Expressive Arts and Design – Exploring and Using Media and Materials, Being Imaginative
Maths – numbers