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Peterborough Nursery July 2019

by Jul 31, 2019News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

The children this month have finished off their own masterpiece, they have been reading “Katie and then sunflowers” and have been creating their own inspiration by “Vincent Van Gogh” we used a variety of materials to create our masterpiece and then have been proudly displaying it for our families to see.

Fun fact – The sunflower is a large inflorescence; this means the flower head is actually made of many tiny flowers called florets.

Links to the EYFS; Expressive arts and design – Understands that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use these shapes to represent objects (30-50 months)

Have a look in our have a go at home trays in reception for activities and work sheets to support your child’s learning.


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