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Peterborough Nursery January 2018

by Jan 31, 2018News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments


This month the children have been enjoying reading stories in our reading den. Some of our favourite songs have been Old MacDonald’s Farm, taking a look at many different animal books, talking about the animals, their features and their sounds. We have also really enjoyed our current topical themed song “5 Spotted Frogs”, and the children have become very familiar with the song and the movements we make. The babies have also been developing their physical skills on our pull-up mirror, as well as recognising ourselves and our facial features.

Little Toddlers

Our little toddlers have had a fun filled and busy month. We have been enjoying our current favourite song “Walking Through the Jungle” and have been making animal footprints to represent our story. We have been exploring the musical instruments and listening to the different sounds that they make, whilst our budding architects have been practicing their construction skills.

Big Toddlers

This term the big toddler children have been very busy exploring lots of different outdoor exploration where the children have enjoyed climbing and balancing on the tyres. The children have also enjoyed having a go at different types of mark making and creative messy play, with our play-dough exploration has been a huge activity of interest, exploring patterns and colour mixing.


This month the children have been learning about the Arctic! We have been finding out about the many different animals, where they live and how the animals they warm in the cold environment. We have been taking part in a science experiment learning about “blubber” and exploring ice. The children had great fun learning about “blubber” and investigating how it feels and how it keeps the animals warm.


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