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Peterborough Nursery January 2017

by Jan 30, 2017News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

Baby Unit

This month the babies have been having great fun, investigating during a variety of sensory play. Take a look as we explored shaving foam, which was one of our favourites. We also explored gloop, paint and sand dough. Other fun activities this month included playing with the tunnel and tent, finding different and new ways to crawl to make their way through the tunnel.

Also, we have had green fingers this month as we planted flowers for the garden. The babies enjoyed feeling the soil, and we also practiced using the spades which supported developing the babies hand-eye coordination.

Little Toddlers

This month the Little Toddlers have been exploring our local environment to see the changes in the weather.  We also looked at the vehicles that we saw and have talked about what they are and what noises we think they make. We also spotted some dogs, swans, moorhens and ducks that we fed.

This month in little toddlers we have been encouraging the children to continue on with their self-serve snack times and we are now encouraging the children to self-serve at dinner time with staff supporting where needed. This helps to build up the children’s fine motor skills and self-confidence in carrying out small tasks.

This month we have been looking at sensory rice play, we have dyed rice to match our colour of the week each week and looked at the texture of the rice by exploring it with our hands and listening to the descriptive words used by adults as we manipulate it between our fingers. We have also been using spoons, forks and containers from our role play area and this has helped to develop our fine motor skills and encourages us to share resources and take turns.

Pre School

This month our topic has been Antarctic. We have looked at the different Antarctic animals. Daily we have read books about penguins. The children showed interest in the ‘Perky little penguin’ book. The children talked about the reasons why the baby seal pup was sad. This was due to the pup losing her mummy. We then spoke about how the penguins help the seal pup to become happy again as they were all kind and allowed the seal pup to watch them play until her mummy found her.

During Little Chefs, the children have baked their own ‘seal bread’ which they enjoyed kneading the dough.

The children have made various Antarctic animals including penguins, polar bear masks and played in ice play with sea animals.

The children also took part in a ‘dress up as a penguin’ on Friday 20th January for national penguin day.



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