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Peterborough Nursery February 2017

by Feb 28, 2017News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments


This month in the baby room we have loved our new reading nest where the babies have been confidently using the area independently looking that the books. Our most recent favourite books to look at and read is “That’s not my…” books.

Other activities this month have included exploring different sizes boxes. The children have been showing a lot of interest in the big cardboard boxes where we have been hiding and climbing in them, as well as banging on them to make noises.  To celebrate Valentine’s Day this month, the babies enjoyed decorating their love heart biscuits for the occasion.

Little Toddlers

This month the little toddlers have been taking part in a Sticky Kids music and movement session, where the children have all been following the instructions ad copying the adult as we made movements. This activity is always seems to be a favourite as the children show great levels of excitement and interest when taking part.

This month we have been looking at the story “Doing the Animal Bop”.  The children have been using a range of media to create the different animals from the book, our favourite so far has been painting and using string to create our snakes.

Big Toddlers

Some children explored the wooden logs and did mark making on the logs. They felt the wooden logs and talked about the texture and looked at the numbers and made different marks on the log. The children learnt to share and talked about different colours and named their numbers.

During out physical movement session, the children took part in using the coloured plastic rings, arranging them in different lines, patterns and shapes, where we developed out Mathematics by counting.  Also, take a look at the fun we have had during our Fairy-Tale Day!


This month pre-school have been looking at fairy tales and have been focusing on “Jack and the Beanstalk”. The children have been growing their own seeds and taking them home to observe for 2 weeks and bringing back the results.

We have also recently had Fairy-Tale Day, where the children to dressed up as their favourite fairy-tale characters and joined in with a range of activities, including making their own masks and acting out scenes from the stories. It was great fun!


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