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Peterborough Nursery December 2018

by Jan 8, 2019News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

We have been getting in the festive spirit ready for Christmas, we held our annual Christmas party with a variety of activities for the children and parents to participate in. Santa visited our nursery and the children all were given a present.

To help support your child’s learning and interests,

please see out have ago at home section in the reception for a range of activities related to Christmas!

Throughout December the children have been making a variety of gifts for their family members, the pre-school children have been talking about the importance of Christmas and the giving and receiving of presents.

The older pre-school children had the opportunity to go to the “Tudors Care Home” to take part in a music session with the residents. We were joined by music bugs, we sang Christmas songs and interacted with the residents to wish them a merry Christmas.

We have also enjoyed a Christmas lunch with all the trimmings cooked by our chef.


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