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Peterborough Nursery December 2016

by Dec 22, 2016News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments


Babies have been very busy getting messy with shaving foam, gloop and glitter play. The babies also really enjoyed exploring musical instruments during circle time singing along to festive songs.

They have been making Christmas cards and tree decorations for the ones they love at home.

Babies were very lucky and went out for a walk in the local community and saw lots of animals, including dogs and swans flying along the river.

Little Toddlers

Little toddlers have been getting ready for Christmas with lots of fun activities; card making, snowman pictures and bauble decorating. We have also been exploring different colours and using sensory trays the babies were able to investigating the colours the in a way they enjoy. Little toddlers have also been spending some time with the big toddlers this month in preparation for January. To develop this, the children have been continuing to practice self-serving at meal times.

Big Toddlers

Throughout the month of December, the staff in Big Toddlers have been taking part in creative activities to present on our Winter display. Extending this from their Autumn display, they used the same resources and turned these into a frost and ice effect using cotton wall, glue and silver glitter and paint. The Big Toddlers enjoyed creating various Christmas artwork, such as bauble baubles, stockings, bells and made handprint calendar’s.

Pre School

Throughout the month of December, the staff and Pre-School have been getting into the Christmas spirit. We have had some educational trips, including a trip to the Cathedral to watch a Nativity Play taking a short bus ride into the City centre. All children enjoyed singing various nursery rhymes during the journey particularly wheels on the bus. Children have also decorated and made various decorations and presents for their family members. These have been Christmas trees, salt dough decorations, bauble baubles.

Christmas Party

We had a fun filled event full of a variety of different activities for the children to join in with. The c children loved exploring a sensory tray full of glitter, tinsel, and bauble baubles. Children could explore and make reindeer food as well as decorate biscuits and visit Santa. The children really loved the festive story read by Deborah ‘The night before Christmas’ followed by lots of Christmas songs.


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