Baby Unit
The babies have really enjoyed our outdoor play this month, exploring all the different areas of the garden. The babies have been exploring the flowers and showed great interest smelling and feeling the different flowers and their beautiful petals. Some of our other most enjoyed activities have been our cereal sensory play, where the babies particularly enjoyed placing the cereal into baking trays as well as moving and investigating these with bowls and spoons.
Little Toddlers
This month the Little Toddlers have really enjoyed our Easter themed messy play using flour and water to make sensory slime. The children showed great levels of enjoyment and interest in these activities, showed through the time spent spreading this across the tray making lots of marks using their fingers. Other mark making activities have included painting with cars, where the children used the tyres and paint to make some interested patterns and shapes. The Toddlers have really enjoyed exploring the ICT room, where we have been experimenting with different sounds through our variety of instruments.
Big Toddlers
Our Big Toddlers have really enjoyed our outdoor experiences this month. Some of the children and practitioners walked to our local park, supported by some of their parents. The activity was a great opportunity for the children to extend their learning about the environment, where we listened to different sounds including cars, birds and the wind. We also found a gigantic puddle, which the toddlers loved jumping and splashing in! Continuing on from our interest in sounds, the toddlers really enjoyed experimenting with sounds on our keyboard. The children took turns and also played the instrument as a group.
Our preschool children were introduced to the woodwork club, which is designed to promote critical thinking skills and encourage the children to foster their own creative practice. The children made their own aeroplanes, cars and other sculptures. The children have also been taking part in making their own sensory playdough, and have been using a variety of resources including herbs or essences to add scents or textures.
During our Royal Horticultural Society school gardening club this month, we have started to sow a range of different herbs into the soil. The children have been learning about the life cycles of plants and what we need to do to help seeds grow.