Blackberry House Day Nursery Logo

Peterborough Autumn Term 2015

by Oct 5, 2015News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments


We have been exploring different textures within homemade sensory bags. We have been exploring these by squeezing the bags to feel the objects inside and listening to the range of sounds.

We have also been making different farmyard animal pictures this month to support our theme. We have enjoyed using a range of media to make our pictures; we especially liked using paint to decorate a paper plate to make our chick faces.

We have been eager to investigate our new large chalkboard. As it is placed onto the floor, we are able to participate by crawling onto the board, grasping the chalk and then making marks.

Little Toddlers

We have been exploring all about me and animals this month. We have been exploring animals in different messy plays. Whilst playing with the animals we were singing old McDonald had a farm.

Big Toddlers

We have been cutting a box and painting the box to make a display of a house. We used brushes, painted in brown and helped to use scissors to cut the doors and windows as well. We shared the paint, brushes and the card and explored the activity.

We were supported to make shapes in potatoes to use for printing. We did really well at recognising the shapes with a little help. We enjoyed making marks and counting the shapes that we printed.


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