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Ofsted say we are OUTSTANDING!

by Oct 8, 2013News, Peterborough Latest News0 comments

Our new Peterborough Nursery is awarded OUTSTANDING  June 2013

The Ofsted Inspector Deborah Hunt said;

“Children throughout the nursery make highly impressive strides in their learning as a result of the professional and skilful teaching offered. Children relish opportunities to take their play and learning outdoors. They have wonderful areas to choose from such as the nature garden and  construction area. Risk and challenge become part of children’s daily experience as they negotiate the sloping and windy sensory path on trikes”

“Children have access to a wonderful range of mark-making and creative resources which they can access at any time. The richly labelled environment throughout the nursery offers children the opportunity to see numbers and words meaningfully employed. Those children who speak English as an additional language see their own language next to English words and begin to make associations between the two. Children hear other languages spoken as a practitioner teaches them a rhyme ”

“Babies receive gentle, sensitive care as they take the first steps in their learning. Practitioners work at their level and the high quality resources on offer encourage babies and young children to explore”

“Toddlers busily toddle their way round the dynamic range of interesting activities on offer, practitioners engage affectionately with these busy learners and model new words for them associated with their play”

“Pre-school children relish the fantastic experiences they are offered every day. They come into their room eagerly as they anticipate the surprises each new day will bring. For example, an external sports company with qualified coaches comes in each week to introduce children to a wonderful variety of physical activities. Children develop their co-ordination and grow in confidence and self-esteem as they explore the joy of being physically active. Children are captivated by the practitioner who comes in weekly to offer a theatre fun workshop session. This superb session comprehensively covers each area of learning. The practitioner mesmerizes children as she tells them a story. Children copy her exaggerated actions and wide eyes as they listen”

“The manager is overflowing with ideas to further progress the nursery and is determined that the nursery will excel. She strives for excellence and her extensive experience in the early years arena means she has much to offer. Practitioners demonstrate a consistently outstanding knowledge and understanding of how young children learn and develop. They work very hard to deliver educational programmes which meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. This results in activities and experiences which captivate children and stimulate their interest”


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