We have had a wonderful October and have enjoyed looking at the colourful changes to the environment. The children used their senses through hands-on exploration looking at the changes to the trees and leaves, discussing the colours that they could see. They were very excited to find a hedgehog who took up residence in our nature garden and is often seen looking around for food.
Wow said the Owl has been a popular book this month and the children have been making their own versions of owls using mud, pinecones, googly eyes and feathers. The children then shared facts they had learnt about the owls.
Out and About trips have taken place throughout the month to Hill Farm and Worzals pumpkin picking. The children enjoyed a pumpkin trail picking their own pumpkins and exploring all things Halloween. Discussions about the size and colours of the pumpkins took place. They enjoyed listening to the story ‘We’re going on a pumpkin hunt’ and got excited when they could all join in. When back at the nursery all the children took part in exploring, opening the pumpkins and seeing what was inside.
Physical Development
Develop manipulation and control
Communication and Language
Reach or point to something they want while making sounds
Enjoys sharing books with an adult
Personal, Social and Emotional
Select and use activities and resources, with help when needed
Understanding the World
Explore natural materials, indoors and outdoors.
Our babies have been following the topic Autumn Leaves are Falling Down. They looked at the seasonal changes, and what autumn looks like, creating their own autumn leaf pictures. The children also explored different sensory bottles and listened to the variety of sounds they made.
Our babies got messy when creating artwork with their bodies using autumnal colours.
They enjoyed the story ‘Baby Forest Animals’ and extended this through a sensory exploration activity using wooden forest animals and natural leaves collected from the gardens.
Communication and Language
Constantly babble and use single words during pla
Physical Development
Reach out for objects as co-ordination develop
Expressive Arts and Design
Start to make marks intentionally
Personal, Social and Emotional
Establish their sense of self
Our Toddlers have also been focusing on the topic Autumn, where they have been colour mixing to experiment, making autumn colours and exploring autumnal sensory trays which included pinecones, conkers, leaves and branches. An autumnal coloured rice activity took place where gross motor skills were used to scoop and fill various-sized containers developing their transference schema and learning mathematical language. Toddlers were creative in making their own woodland creatures and discussing whom they might find in the woods such as squirrels, owls, and hedgehogs.
A favourite book has been Room on The Broom where they have learnt new vocabulary and developed their understanding of simple instructions. Key characters were recreated and used in the play to promote engagement, sharing, and taking turns.
Our Toddlers have also been exploring different ways of moving and practising risky play, experimenting with heights, and jumping onto one or two feet.
Communication and Language
Recognise and point to objects if asked about them
Physical Development
Explore different materials and tools
Understanding the World
Explore materials with different properties
Personal, Social and Emotional
Play with increasing confidence on their own and with other children, because they know their key person is nearby and available.
Our preschool children have been looking at all things autumn, harvest, and Halloween. Activities have included corn painting and exploring different vegetables to make their own pizza outside in the garden. They have been looking at scarecrows and making these as part of our little chefs’ activities and making playdough hedgehogs.
The children have enjoyed looking at the natural autumnal changes, and the effect these have on the environment and enjoyed the experiences they have had in the garden and the forest school. Forest school sessions have included looking for insects and the children were excited when they found a hedgehog in the nature garden that was out looking for food. The children then left food out for the hedgehog who has often been seen shuffling along using his nose to navigate around the garden.
A big focus has been promoting independence with our rolling snacks. The children have been safely manoeuvring a knife to cut snacks and tipping and pouring just the right amount of water or milk to fill their cups.
Preschool also explored a space-related topic following on from National Space Week. They learnt all about the planets of the solar system and where they live. A large rocket was made, and all were excited to showcase this to their families. New words were learnt associated with space and the story ‘Whatever Next’ was enjoyed, with some children retelling the story and extending this through re-enacting the story with props.
Communication and Language
Enjoy listening to longer stories and can remember much of what happens
Understanding the World
Begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all the living things
Engage in extended conversations about stories, learning new vocabulary
Personal, Social and Emotional
Play with one or more other children, extending and elaborating play ideas.