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Newsletter July 2021

by Aug 4, 2021News0 comments

This month the children have had a brilliant time in the nature garden, all taking their turns to explore the garden and the wildlife around them. The children have enjoyed an array of Forest School Sessions, including planting strawberry plants, and watching how the strawberries have been growing. We even introduced something called Willow Weaving and the children have loved learning a new skill, creating their own shapes and crowns.

June website Toddler 6
June Group picture
June website Toddler 5

Each day we have all taken time to water our plants and discuss the importance of watering the plants in order for them to grow and develop into beautiful flowers. The children have enjoyed using the sprinkler, running through the cool jets of water to cool themselves down, they even had a go at spraying the jets and then the staff got very wet too!

EYFS link:

Mathematics – shape, space and measure – 16-26 months: enjoys filling and emptying containers

Communication and Language – Listening and Attention – 22-36 months: Recognises and responds to many familiar sounds.

Understanding the World – The World – 30-50 months: can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.

Our Babies have spent the month looking at the season Summer, they have had lots of water play with the boats, washing the animals and even trying to roll the balls through the water.  The children have used a range of coloured paint to create their own starfish and discussed what animals they might see in the sea. With this they have been making animal sounds and exploring the Farm Animal Tray as they discuss going to the farm in the summer months.

June Baby 1
June Baby 2
June website under 2 2

The children have been reading a new story called Peekaboo Sun. Using their gross motor skills, they have been playing roll the ball and developing their relationships with their peers and adults within the room.

With the weather being warmer the Babies have also enjoyed lots of water-based play using their whole bodies to splash in the water, learning how to fill and pour using a variety of different containers.

June Baby 1
June Baby 2
June website under 2 2

EYFS link:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Making Relationships – 8-20 months: interact with others and explore new situations when supported by a familiar person.

Communication and Language – Listening and Attention – 8-20 months: has a strong exploratory impulse.

Understanding the world – the world – 8-20 months: closely observes what animals, people and vehicles do.

Expressive arts and design – Being Imaginative 8-20 months: express self through physical action and sound

Expressive Arts and Design – Exploring and Using Media and Materials – Begins to move to music, listen to or join in rhymes or songs (8-20 months)

The Toddlers have been exploring their senses, discovering what they are and how we use them during our day-to-day routines. They have been doing finger painting to make their sea pictures so that can experience the texture of paint, as well as a range of messy play activities including gloop, playdough, and shaving foam. Adding in different scents to the messy play so that we can discuss what we can smell.

June Toddler 2
June Toddler 7
June Toddler

The Children have participated in listening walks through our Nature Garden and discussing what we can hear, such as the birds, insects, and environmental sounds. We have also been using the minibeasts cards to look for minibeasts and discussing the colours they can see throughout the day.

June Toddler 5
June Toddler 6
June website Toddler 3

EYFS link:

Expressive arts and design – exploring and using media and materials – 16-26 months: notices and is interested in the effects of making movements which leave marks.

Understanding the world – the world – 22-36 months: notices detailed features of objects in their environment

Physical development – moving and handling – 8-20 months: enjoys the sensory experience of making marks in damp sand, paste or paint.

Communication and language – speaking – 16-26 months: beginning to put two words together.

Our Pre-School children have been looking at the story called Farmer Duck, looking at the farm animals and learning new animal baby names and matching them to their mummies this was achieved with a variety of activities including animal bingo, which developed our PSED sharing and turn taking skills and making our very own pig pictures, collaging, and exploring textures at the same time. As part of our theme the children took part with our Little Chefs program and baked some delicious biscuits, measuring and mixing the mixture developing our Mathematics skills while rolling out the mixture and being gentle to cut out our biscuits which helped develop our fine motor skills. Imaginative play took place with a small world farm tray outside in the garden where we used real hay and grass to show the habitats of where the animals live.

June Pre-School 5
June Pre-School 4
June Pre-School 2

Following on from this, our Pre-School children have been looking at their project of “What makes me Unique?” talking about their families and where they live. The children have drawn pictures of their homes and the people that live there, curious to see what everybody else’s homes and families looked like. The children have used the outdoor construction area to build their own houses and they have talked about the different shapes that can be found in their homes.

June website preschool 5
June Pre-School 6
June Pre-School 3

EYFS link:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Managing feelings and behaviour – 30-50months: share resources, sometimes with support from others.

Physical development – moving and handling – 30-50 months: uses one handed tools and equipment, e.g. makes snips in paper with child scissors.

Communication and language – understanding – 40-60 months: listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion.

Literacy – Reading – 30-50 months: describes main story settings, events and principal characters

Understanding the world – the world – 30-50 months: can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects.

Personal Social and Emotional Development – Making Relationships – Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others (40-60 months)


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