At Blackberries we are taking part in a new initiative called MySmile.
We will be working closely with the Oral Health Improvement Team for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Full training will be provided for our staff and equipment supplied such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and racks. The MySmile project is commissioned by NHS England and recommended by the EYFS as part of their curriculum.
We will work towards an accreditation succeeding in 4 areas:
The children will brush their teeth in the setting once a day (this will not be replaced by twice a day at home). There is no cost to parents as this is a fully funded programme provided by the NHS. A consent form will need to be signed for your child to participate.


Snacks and drinks will be tooth friendly and celebration food will be healthy or have a non-food focus.
We will conduct surveys to identify how many children have a dentist and support families that do not have a dentist with information on how to access dental care or advice.

My smile training will be received by our teams and shared. We will engage parents by sharing oral health messages and plan oral health activities with the children.
How will the children benefit by taking part in the MySmile project?
- Learning excellent tooth brushing skills and brushing with fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen teeth.
- Reduce the impact of sugar on teeth by drinking water and eating tooth friendly food.
- Learning good oral health habits
- Supporting families with access to dental care
- Children are less likely to suffer with tooth decay and toothache
Please see below some helpful tips for families:
- Brush teeth and gums twice a day as soon as the very first tooth begins to appear
- Bruising at bedtime is the most important time
- For everyone over the age of 3 (adults included) use a pea size amount of 1350-1500 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride toothpaste
- For age 0-3 (or for anyone who cannot spit out the foam) use a smear of toothpaste with at least 1000 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride
- When brushing has finished do not rinse with water just spit the foam out
- Keep sugary foods and drinks to mealtimes only