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March Nursery September 2017

by Sep 26, 2017March Latest News, News0 comments

Under 2’s

This month we have been welcoming in lots of new faces into the nursery, and we have been looking at the theme of “All about me” for our topic for September. The children have enjoyed creating portraits of ourselves, mark making to represent the facial features on ourselves and also our friends. We have been using mirrors and other reflective resources to take a look at ourselves, and make different expressions which made us all giggle.


This month the big toddlers have been looking at the theme of shapes. We have been matching up shapes and practicing the name of the different shapes. The children have also been enjoying the large foam shapes in the garden, where playing hide and seek has been a favourite game. We have been searching our environments for shapes, as well as painting different shapes using different sized blocks and made from different materials.


The children took part in a fun and creative activity to support their ‘All About Me’ topic. Using paper plates, the children used a variety of resources and materials to create a face. Our face making was supported by counting our facial features, and the children were asking and answering questions such as: “How many eyes do we have?” Some of us decided to great monster faces too, where the children really used their imagination to make some silly, scary and funny monster portraits.


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