During October our Under Two’s have been learning about everything to do with Autumn. They have been on a trip to the park to collect leaves and have used these to carry out some colour matching activities. The children also looked at the different shapes of the leaves and created masterpieces using leaf painting.
EYFS Link: Expressive arts and design- Notices and is interested in the effects of making movements which leave marks. (8-20 months)
Our Toddler’s theme for October has centred around Autumn with their core story being “We’re going on a leaf hunt”. They have made leaf people using a variety of different coloured leaves and twigs. They have also visited the Pumpkin patch at Skylark where they were able to choose their own pumpkins to bring back to the setting and decorate.
EYFS Link: Personal, Social and Emotional Development- Expresses own preferences and interests (22-36 months)
Fun fact: Pumpkins are 90% water
Our Pre-schoolers have also been learning about people that help us and were excited to invite in Local PCSO Dawn to the setting for a catch up. PSCO Dawn told us all about what we should do if we were to get lost and why it is important to stay close to our parents when we are out and about.
As part of “working with parents” parents have helped their little ones create a hedgehog picture with the leaves they found on their Autumn walk as part of their “give it a go at home” through this month.
EYFS Link: Understanding the world- Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life. (30-50 months)
You can share our Core Stories through our Books for Bedtime scheme or you can access some of our activities through our “Have a go at home” scheme, encouraging the positive partnership in learning between nursery and home.
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