Big Toddlers
This month we have had great fun in our Halloween Stay and Play day, where parents and carers came along to join in the spooky fun! We had great fun taking part in pumpkin carving, and exploring sensory trays made up of ice, rice and lentils. We have also been exploring the gardens looking for different signs of Autumn collecting leaves, which we then have used in our play ordering them in size and colour.
We have been exploring our new mathematics resources this month. During a focused activity, preschool used the giant dice, and matched their number to the same amount stones. Working on hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, the children used tweezers to pick up the stones. The preschool children have been working very hard on recognising their numbers and comparing them, so this was the perfect activity to get them to gain in confidence.
Trip to the Library
This month the Toddlers have ventured out to the library. We enjoyed the walk there were we saw many animals, vehicles and heard lots of sounds. At the library, the children really enjoyed looking at all the different books and choosing some to bring to share with their peers. We are already looking forward to our next visit.