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March Nursery March 2017

by Mar 23, 2017March Latest News, News0 comments

Baby Unit and Little Toddlers 

We have been exploring our new sensory walls in the garden and in the sensory room. We have loved moving our hands around to explore the textures. We have also been practicing our fine motor skills on the wall in the garden, opening and closing the various bolts and turning the large wheel and watching it spin!

We have also been looking at animals for our new topic of Spring. We have been exploring the pigs in the mud with Weetabix and brown gloop, where we had such fun making the pig sounds and moving them around in the tray to explore the texture. We have also been investigating our pasta and rice sensory tray with animals, where we particularly enjoyed crumbling the pasta in our hands and sprinkling the rice over the animals.

Big Toddlers

The Month we have had lots of fun playing in the green gloop and painting pictures to take home for St Patricks Day. The Big Toddlers have loved getting messy when we explore the shaving foam, rice and water.  This has developed our hand-eye coordination as we have experimented making lots of different marks.

Pre School

This month we have been busy making sure that the garden is ready for the season of Spring! We have been busy planting our herbs and plants, which we can’t wait to watch grow and blossom.  We will be using our home-grown herbs in our mud kitchen.  We have also been taking part in our Little Chefs Cookery Club here at nursery where we made some yummy pizza pirate maps and delicious sausage rolls.


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