During the month of June, we participated in the March Summer Festival, in the rain!
We had so much fun learning and singing our core nursery rhyme ‘Aliens in underpants’. We dressed in our best Alien outfits, and the float was decorated with all of our artwork, winning us first place for the best group entrance.
We have had our special Father’s Day play and stay this month, we invited the father’s in to take part in a variety of activities and join in with their child’s play.
Our Preschool leavers also took part in their own Sports day and it was smiles all round as they raced to the finish line. The children took park in a variety of races from the egg and spoon to the obstacle.
Home Reading;
You can share our Core Story “Aliens in underpants” through our books for bedtime scheme or you can access some of our activities through our “Have a go at home” scheme, encouraging the positive partnership in learning between nursery and home.