During December our Under Two’s have been focusing on their core nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star. The children have looked at a variety of sensory trays and bottles to see what different stars they could find. The children have also been joining in by clapping their hands.
EYFS Link: Expressive arts and design- Move their whole bodies to sounds they enjoy, such as music or a regular beat. (8-20 months)
Our Toddler’s have been out and about to pick the perfect Christmas tree from Skylark to bring back to the setting and decorate. The children have had lots of fun throughout December in their Elves workshop, putting toys together, wrapping up different toys as well as popping them into Father Christmas’s sack ready for him to share with all of the children.
EYFS Link: Expressive arts and design- Beginning to make-believe by pretending. (22-36 months)
Our Pre-schoolers have been to visit our friends at Aria Court Care Home where they enjoyed packing up the shoe boxes full of donations for the homeless this Christmas. They then joined the older adults the following day for a Christmas party working together to create decorations for Aria court.
All of the children helped to create a variety of decorations this year to enter in St Peters Christmas Tree Festival and enjoyed a walk down to the church to see all of the pretty tree’s.
EYFS Link: Knows some of the things that make them unique and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family. (30-50 months)