What a beautiful month we have had with so many different types of weather to explore and enjoy.
As we head towards starting our Forest School sessions, we have been outside even more regularly.
Bubble group 1 have explored a range of interest this month. We started with vehicles, with the arrival of our new go kart tyres to add to our garden loose part collection we have had lots of fun creating buses to sit on and sing. We have used the tyres in paint to create track marks, and we did this with toy cars as well. We raced cars down slopes to see which would go the furthest and fastest.
Fun Fact: The fastest car currently can go 277.9 MPH this record was set in 2017.
Bubble 2 have explored a range of fairy tales, moving on from the Three little pigs, last month we have begun to explore castles, and with all the thunder we have been hearing we are sure it’s a Giant tummy rumbling. This has led onto Jack and the bean stalk and look at the book The Smartest Giant in town. We have been measuring ourselves to see who is the tallest, we have been created castles and looking for Giant footprints. We have also talked about what else could cause the weather, And not forgetting keeping an eye on our bean stalks growing in the garden.
FUN FACT: The tallest bean stalk grew to 14.1 metres tall
The Weather as we are spending more and more time outside as we prepare for our forest school sessions; we have been noticing all the different types of weather.
We have had fun in the sun, with lots of water play, picnics and making dens for shade. Not forgetting making home-made ice lollies.
We saw how windy it was and made our own kites to fly and see how strong the wind can be.
And we had lots of fun, splashing in puddles, catching rain in buckets and testing out our new waterproof suits. Please if you can provide your child with their own all in one wet suits of water proof trousers and coat this would help reduce the wet clothes we send home and allow for extra fun in all weather as we start our Forest school session.
Forest School
This month we have been introducing Forest school activities gradually, we have paid particular interest in bug hunts, enjoying learning about all the wildlife we can find in the garden. With all the rain we got to enjoy making muddy puddles and then using the mud to make mud faces on the tress. Please our Forest School parent information which is being shared though emails.