Under Two’s
In the Under Two’s unit this month we have had lots of fun exploring colours using a variety of mark-making methods. The children have enjoyed selecting the items to mark-make with, and showed particular interest in using the small world toys to paint with. We used our little ducks to dip into the paint and make an array of marks on paper. We later went on to play with our ducks in the water tray, and sang the 5 little ducks song too.
Big Toddlers
In Big Toddlers the children have been busy talking all about summer and the different things that we need to do to stay safe in the sunshine. The children have been making sure that they bring along a hat and sun cream to nursery each day and finding these out of their own bags when needed. The children have been busy colouring in pictures of these things to add to our display board in the big toddler room, using a variety of colours and crayons.
The children were excited to go on a bug hunt in the garden to see what different mini beasts they could find hiding under the logs. The children were thrilled when they turned over a log and found some worms, woodlice and spiders. The children enjoyed sharing their experience with their peers. They then decided to do some tree rubbings to see what different patterns they could make on their paper!