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March Autumn Term 2015

by Oct 5, 2015March Latest News, News0 comments

Big Toddlers

Over September we have been reading “Lulu Loves Nursery” by Camilla Reid, this story is all about the first day at nursery and settling into new surroundings. As part of this we have been decorating speech bubbles and talking about what they like to do at nursery.

Here are some of the things we said:

“Playing in the garden!”
“Play with animals!”

Little Toddlers

This month we have enjoyed playing in the new room, the music room! We have enjoyed hiding inside the tents and tunnels playing lots of fun game, and exploring the musical instruments.

We have also been exploring lots of messy play activities; we particularly enjoy getting messy in the crazy soap and moving the cars along to create patterns in the foam.

We have been talking about the season autumn. So we went into the garden to explore some leaves, collected them in a tub and brought them into the room to paint and print with, afterwards they explored the texture of the leaves and talked about the colours we had found.


This month in Jolly Phonics, we have been learning all about the letter ‘S’. Children have enjoyed mark making the letter in different messy play activities such as rice, crazy foam and cloud dough. We have enjoyed using scissors to cut out some snake pictures and painted them for our phonics display. We also based our cooking club activity around the letter making our cheese straws into snake shapes with raisin eyes. As well as learning the letter at preschool, we have been given Jolly Phonics books to take home with fun activity sheets to complete with our families, and bring back to show our friends.


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