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June Newsletter 2022

by Jul 5, 2022News0 comments

It’s been a busy month here at Blackberries throughout June with all of our settings welcoming our parents and visitors to join us for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. The children enjoyed learning about the Royal Family, where the Queen resides and making some wonderful decorations for the nurseries. The children enjoyed many activities taking place to celebrate the Jubilee which included icing biscuits with the union jack colours, making tea in the mud kitchen, making their own stamps, colouring pictures of the Queen’s corgi’s and having their very own tea parties.

The children have been enjoying the varied weather throughout the month of June and they have spent lots of time outside enjoying the sun and splashing in the puddles when it rained. Our babies explored the feel of the grass and water on their feet and the older children loved finding different insects around the garden by lifting the logs and tyres to explore what was underneath. The children have been going on bug hunts around the garden for National Insect Week and following the 30 days Wild Challenge that happens in June. In the nature garden and forest school, the children continued the theme of The Hungry Caterpillar as they still had butterflies in cocoons and once, they turned into butterflies they released them into the world. The children watched them fly away around the garden.

Physical Development

Fit themselves into spaces, like tunnels, dens and large boxes and move around in them

Personal, Social and Emotional

Become more outgoing with unfamiliar people, in the safe context of their settings.


Communication and Language

Copy your gestures and words

Understanding the World

Begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all the living things

Our babies have had lots of fun exploring and experimenting with the sounds and textures of musical instruments. This has developed their gross motor skills when shaking and banging the musical instruments together. They also learnt how to clap their hands and move their bodies to the sounds of the instruments. The staff and children have also sung lots of nursery rhymes to encourage new vocabulary.

The children also loved exploring all things Commotion in the Ocean, which was the theme of the month. Sea creatures and themed books were explored along with lots of water play. They made their own versions of fish and took part in music and movement sessions linked to songs about the sea.


Communication and Language

Constantly babble and use single words during play


Enjoys sharing books with an adult

Expressive Arts and Design

Start to make marks intentionally

Our Toddlers have been learning all about sea creatures, having lots of water and ice play, finding the animals in the water, and talking about their features. They made jellyfish using cups and tissue paper and used a potato masher to make their own version of a turtle. In the garden, sand was used to make sea creatures and sculptures. Handprints have created some wonderful crabs and textured pictures produced using sand.

Forest school sessions included collecting natural objects to make collages and binoculars were used to look for birds high up on the trees. Our toddlers have also started recognising some letters, such as the first letter of their name. Pencil skills have been practised as the children have had a go at holding them correctly and tracing over their names.

The children have also been practising their culinary skills making lots of creations and the favourite this month was plum and strawberry crumble. They enjoyed using all their senses to explore the food.


Compare amounts, saying ‘lots’, ‘more’, or ‘some’

Physical Development

Explore different materials and tools


Communication and Language

Copy your gestures and words

Our Pre-School children have also explored the topic of Commotion in the Ocean. They have loved getting involved and talking about what sea creatures they know, going to the beach and discovering pirates. They have been on treasure hunts around the room finding coins, exploring the sea creatures in the sand and water, and making submarines using recycled modelling materials, then painting them colours of their choice.

Pre-School have also been focusing on becoming school ready, looking at letters and numbers. The children have been identifying letters and linking them with objects within the environment. Lots of practice and recognition has been taking place when writing their names and letters in the sand and gloop.

While enjoying the glorious sunshine the children have been accessing the construction area using the loose parts to build and balance. They have used mathematical language to describe what they have built and linked this in with their current topic of transport and people who help us. The Pre-Schoolers have been excited to talk about the different occupations and the vehicles that the people drive for their occupation.

Physical Development

Develop manipulation and control

Expressive Arts and Design

Join different materials together and explore different textures


Enjoy drawing freely

Understanding the World

Show interest in different occupations

Personal, Social and Emotional

Select and use activities and resources, with help when needed. This helps them to achieve a goal they have chosen, or one which is suggested to them


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