It has been a busy month throughout July with the children exploring a variation of learning opportunities based on their individual interests. The children have been enjoying the glorious sunshine and exploring the outdoor environments through a range of activities which has led to some amazing outdoor learning opportunities.
The children have explored the nature gardens and forest schools. They made their own versions of flowers using coloured resources, seeds, and paint. They have also been learning about the life cycle of plants, what the different parts of the plants are, and we can help them to survive. The children have been watering the plants and each taking turns with the watering cans.
We have said a sad farewell to some of our preschool children. The children took part in their graduation ceremonies with lots of activities taking place such as pinning the tail on the donkey, musical chairs and showing off their dancing skills. The children loved being able to have their pictures taken in front of the graduation sign and using the props to make their photos fun. They had their pictures taken individually and pulled faces with their peers. The children all had pictures taken in their graduation gowns and received a party bag.
We wish all the children luck in their new schools as they embark on their next exciting adventure.
Our Babies have been busy this month with their current interests in sensory exploration. This has provided the babies with lots of opportunities to use their senses to investigate the different textures of the messy play activities provided. They have also been developing their gross motor skills which has enabled them to begin to take their first steps.
The babies have also been exploring all things Commotion in the Ocean, looking at what an octopus, turtle and jellyfish look like. They explored different features and how they can move around the sea. Lots of water has taken place in the lovely weather linking this into the children’s interests.
Physical Development
Gradually gain control of their whole body through continual practice of large movements, such as waving, kicking, rolling, crawling and walking.
Communication and Language
Constantly babble and use single words during play
Expressive Arts and Design
Start to make marks intentionally
Our Toddlers have been learning all about Summer, The Seaside and sea creatures. They have been looking at the beach and what they might find at the beach. Some of the activities have been encouraging mathematical development, looking at the different sized sea creatures that they will find in the sea, ordering them from the biggest to smallest. Other activities have included sand painting, water play and using cereals to create some lovely starfish and crab artwork. The children have been learning new words and are excited to share these with their peers when talking about what they can see and their own experiences of visiting the beach with family and friends.
Enjoys sharing books with an adult
Compare amounts, saying ‘lots’, ‘more’ or ‘some’
Understanding the World
Talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary
Personal, Social and Emotional
Develop friendships with other children
Physical Development
Explore different materials and tools
Throughout the month of July Preschool have spent lots of time outdoors embracing the sunshine and subsequently enjoying copious amounts of water play. They thoroughly enjoyed national mud day making muddy creations, exploring muddy small world experiences, and putting their full bodies in mud.
The Preschools have looked at people who help us as some of the children have been taking part in our school readiness programme to give them life skills for primary school. The children have discussed their new teachers, and the schools they are going to attend, and we have also talked about Policemen and Firemen and the important jobs they have to keep us safe.
The children explored literacy and have taken part in phonics activities such as Silly Soup and I Spy.
Our pre-schoolers also looked at the under the sea theme, making their own versions of sea creatures, lots of water play with different sea creatures and learning about their habitats in the sea. The children loved playing under the sea bingo and being able to draw their own favourite sea creatures.
Physical Development
Develop manipulation and control
Communication and Language
Understand a question or instruction that has two parts, such as: “Get your coat and wait at the door”
Develop their phonological awareness, so that they can spot and suggest rhymes, count, or clasp syllables in a word, recognise words with the same initial sound such as money and mother
Personal, Social and Emotional
Develop their sense of responsibility and membership of community.