As part of story lead planning, we have been reading the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister. We have expanded on this story by creating our own rainbow fish display which included a huge octopus. We were able to remember many parts of the story after reading it just a few times. We enjoyed this story so much we always asked for it when picking a book.
We have been exploring a new activity; ice painting. We put some paint into small tubs and stuck ice lolly sticks in them and put them in the freezer for a couple of days.
We took the paint out of the freezer and spoke about what had happened to it. We made predictions about what would happen if we put it on our paper. Then we looking at the marks that ice paints were making and the shapes of the ice. When the ice began to melt, the paint broke, so we had to use our hands and got very messy.
Closing Party
We had a party as it was our last open week before we shut for refurbishment. We had a party lunch, where everyone ate some tasty treats all together. We then had party games after dinner, which included musical statues, musical bumps, dance and singing competitions, where the children could all win a prize!