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Forest School Website Update March 2021

by Mar 29, 2021Forest School Latest News, Forest Schools News, News0 comments

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Wow what a busy month all the children have had taking part in Forest School activities. The children have been exploring how the environment changes as Spring has started, as a group the children looked at the colours around them and what new flowers have started to bud in their outdoor environments.

Exploring 2
Exploring 1

UTW; The world: “Notices detailed features of objects in their environment” (22-36)

The children have been learning all the names to the new Spring plants such as, Daffodils and Snowdrops. The children have been on spring nature hunts and used positional language as well as numerical language.

Spring flower 1
Recycling 1
recycling 2

M; Numbers: “Recites some number names in sequence” (22-36)

This month the children have also taken part in Global Recycling day, where the children learnt all about how recycling affects the world around us, understanding as a class we can reduce, reuse, and recycle. The children had lots of fun creating great natural upcycled resources they found during their Forest School sessions, such as leaf puppets they latter used inside in their small world roleplaying.

PD; Moving and handling: “Uses one-handed tools and equipment, e.g., makes snips in paper with child scissors.” (30-50)

The children have also been busy learning all about minibeast this month, I think their favorite is defiantly Mr. Worm. As a group the children learnt all about what worms needs to survive and where they live, some children even made Mr. Worm a nice cozy home for him to live in by collecting leaves, mud, and sticks. The children learnt about how to hold Mr. Worm safely without hurting him and how worms come out in spring because it is not to warm but also not to cold for them.

Worm 1
worm 2
risk taking 1
risk taking 2

CL; Speaking: “Beginning to ask simple questions” (16-26)

A big part of Forest School is about the children taking risks and building skills independently, and this month the children have took it upon themselves to practice their balancing, using crates and wooden planks, making balancing beams working as a team.

PD; Health and self-care: “Beginning to recognise danger and seeks support of significant adults for help.” (22-36)

This month Blackberries invites you to get involved in the fun of Forest School. Below is an activity that you could all do at home with your little forest explores; all you need is a carboard tube, glue, string and some natural resources you can find in your garden. Once you’ve had a go why don’t you send us a picture of your Forest puppet, so we can show everyone in nursery.

Have a go at home

Happy Foresting


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