Blackberry House Day Nursery Logo

Throughout May and June, the children have enjoyed using the Forest School area and our other nature areas, they have been exploring wildflowers, the changes in our environments and have been focusing on bugs and wildlife living around us.

The children have been learning the names of the wildflowers and observing how our environments have changed while we were staying at home. The children used magnifying glasses and binoculars to go on bug hunts to find what new creatures we could find living in our nature garden. This was lots of fun and made the bugs look really big and close.

The children have been taking part in the 30 Day Wild Challenge in June, our other settings in Peterborough and March have been joining in with this too. They have been exploring the environments in a range of ways and have been excited to learn about shadows and how reflections happen. Whilst looking at how the environments have changed in the different types of weather the children have created lots of lovely artwork using the natural resources that they discovered within the gardens.

We didn’t let the rain stop us this month either, we had lots of fun splashing about in the puddles with our wellies on and talking about how the splashes are bigger when we jump higher into them. We also talked about where the rain came from and why puddles are made.

Fun Facts: Spending time in nature is important for our mental health. A walk-through nature is great for relaxing anxiety.

Forest school encourages children to embrace their potential. Children can be children again and enjoy using their imagination.

They have the opportunity to use nature in creative ways using their own independence.

Key EYFS links:

PSED: Seeks out others to share experiences (22-36).

PSED: Demonstrates sense of self and an individual (22-36).

CL: Uses single words (8-20). CL: Uses different types of everyday words (16-26).

CL; Understands who, what and where questions (22-36).

UTW; Can talk about some of the things they have observed (30-50).

UTW: The World 30-50mths Talks about why things happen.

EAD: Exploring and using media and materials 30-50mths Beginning to describe the texture of things.


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